Adel Bishtawi and Selvi Sado INTRODUCE A NEW book of poems IN A PRESS RELEASE BY THE PUBLISHER


New volume of poetry offers a nuanced exploration of love in all its forms

PEMBROKE, Malta – From the authors of “Only When Desire Screams” comes a captivating new poetry collection, “When Roses Bloomed” (published by AuthorHouse UK), which delves into the multifaceted nature of love and its profound impact on the human experience.

“When Roses Bloomed”is a sweeping examination of love’s role in human life, touching on themes such as happiness and suffering, war and peace, and the ways in which love can bring people together across cultures and borders. In this volume, the authors expanded the fields of treatment and consideration to include fresh poetry pulses and scenes, humour, and poetic narratives to create a rich tapestry of human stories. Included as well are their own analysis and observation of love as the ultimate human emotion, as well as real-life accounts by friends from around the world who shared their ideas of what amorous feelings are all about as individually experienced.

“Of all human feelings, nothing is sweeter than love and nothing is more bitter; nothing is more powerful and nothing is more fragile,” the authors reflect. “It is far better to love and fail than never to fall in love. Ignited by a mysterious spark, and like a baby, love needs to grow, and in time, turns into a lighthouse beacon that lights the way ahead. This is one of the main messages of our new book.”

When asked what they want readers to take away from the book, Bishtawi and Sado answered, “That love is a reality not a perception and good poetry can be the sweet wine of love, and one of the prime domains of expressive content the scope and topics of which are wide including hope, despair, joy, death, pain, sadness, defeat and victory, to name a few of the topics treated by poets in times old, present and the future, and primed and charged by endearment, closeness and positive emotions expressively sung in the magical language of poetry, the first simple lines of which may have been recited by lovers at an advanced stage of the Stone Age when the language was based on the very ancient two-letter roots.

“When Roses Bloomed”

By Adel Bishtawi & Selvi Sado

Hardcover | 6 x 9in | 214 pages | ISBN 9798823088039

Softcover | 6 x 9in | 214 pages | ISBN 9798823088022

E-Book | 214 pages | ISBN 9798823088046

Available at Amazon and Barnes & Noble

About the Authors

Of British and Maltese nationalities, Adel Bishtawi was born in Nazareth, Palestine, 1945. He read English literature at Damascus University, attended condensed courses of familiarization of languages including Latin, German and Russian, and attended a course in linguistics at the Central London Polytechnic. A journalist since the 1960s, Bishtawi worked as front-page editor of Al Arab Newspaper and central managing editor of the Emirates News Agency. He also produced and co-produced TV documentaries, including “Muslims along the Silk Road.” He has published more than 20 books in both English and Arabic, the last of which is the first volume of poetry “Only When Desire Screams,” co-authored by poetess Selvi Sado. Sado experimented with poetry at a very early stage, was is and will be, a serious reader of poetry, and an excellent judge of poetic qualities. She commands three languages: her native Albanian, French, and English. She studied at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana, Albania.

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About the author

Adel Bishtawi

Adel S (Said) Bishtawi is a British, Maltese and Palestinian national. A career journalist, he was central managing editor of the Emirates News Agency, co-founder of two U.K. newspapers and the Syrian Writers Association. He published more than 20 books in Arabic and English the latest is ‘The Common Stone Age Origins of English, Akkadian and Arapīte & Greatest Gods of Homo Sapiens’.
Adel was born in Nazareth, Palestine, 1945. He read English Literature at Damascus University, attended short courses of familiarisation of languages including Latin, German and Russian, and attended a course in Linguistics at the Central London Polytechnic.

A journalist since the late 1960s, he became Front Page Editor of Al Arab Newspaper (London), the first pan Arab Newspaper launched in Europe. In 1978, he joined Jihad Al Khazin in launching Asharq Al Awsat Newspaper (London) as Business and Supplements Editor. In 1980, he was appointed Central Managing Editor of the Emirates News Agency in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. In 1988, he joined Jamil Mrowa (who later re-launched the Daily Star in Beirut in 1996) in London for the re-launch of Al Hayat Newspaper and continued under the editorship of Jihad Al Khazin until he left in April 2001 to dedicate what is left of his time to literary and historical writing. as well as investigating origins by means of historical and etymological linguistics.

Adel produced and co-produced a number of TV documentaries. He produced, directed and wrote “Muslims along the Silk Road”, a five part-60-minutes-each documentary tracing Muslim culture and heritage and the legacy of Muslim pioneers and merchants along the Silk Road starting from China.
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