The heart is the temple of love in which it crowns itself supreme. In unlike all other temples, but like all dictators, love needs no permission to enter, accepts no restrictions, conforms to no rules except its own and rejects all rivals. What it does in this temple is nothing less than one of the greatest miracles of humanity. Every dim corner of unloving hearts begins to burn with brightness, chaos is replaced by harmony, distress by relief, desperation by hope, doubt by sincerity, weakness by strength and a thousand roses suddenly bloom and fill the temple with the exotic scent of life, joy and optimism.

All the hours of all the days,
And all the minutes in between,
By all the Gods I’ll swear to you
Again and again, I’ll love you,
But tread softly,
If you please,
It is not the ground underneath,
It is my heart,
And my soul,
Is just beneath,
So, watch your steps,
The love that can cure us all,
Can also be a disease.
Trust me or fear me not,
If one day,
After a kiss,
Being warm or being hot,
In a moment primed with wonder,
You sigh deep and then you say,
Sweeter than the sweetest wine,
Your lips,
I will remind you, yet again,
Grapes milked for their wine,
Are also milked for vinegar.
Care for me and keep me sweet,
Not every minute of the day,
Not every second of the night,
Not every act; not every deed,
Not every time we will meet,
Only when desire screams,
And all hours of need.
A poem by Adel Bishtawi